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Importance of Cyber Insurance

Importance of Cyber Insurance

Importance of Cyber Insurance for Women in India 2023

With the increase in digital penetration in India, there has been a rise in cyber-attack threats. In the last couple of years, with growing technology cyber-attacks are no more an unknown phenomenon.

Gradually, society has also changed for the better and there has been an increase in working women. Today women are prevalent in almost every field right from technology, e-commerce, administration, and so forth. Women are also actively using digital mediums. With women using the internet, we cannot deny the other phase of the coin.

Believe it or not, people are becoming a victim of cybercrime in India. With the reach of the internet and the spreading of information rapidly via phone, laptops have presented opportunities to put women at risk.

Statistics Say!

In 2020, Assam, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh reported the highest number of cybercrimes. The table below highlights the cybercrime against women in India in 2020:


Cyber Blackmailing/ Threatening

Cyber Pornography/ Hosting/ Publishing Obscene Sexual Materials

Cyber Stalking/ Cyber Bullying of Women

Defamation/ Morphing

Fake Profile

Other Crimes Against women

Total Cyber Crimes Against women

Arunachal Pradesh05211450122181375
Madhya Pradesh0652280202184274
Tamil Nadu071470717171111306
Uttar Pradesh032576013335749
West Bengal0610170107303344

Note: Please refer to

Hence, it becomes extremely important for all of us to be cautious when using the internet both for personal and professional reasons.

Women are a common target when it comes to cyber-attacks. It includes cyber extortion, cyber stalking, online sexual harassment, etc. It’s time that we do not take these things easily but rather act responsibly. Of course, we need to use the internet carefully but we should also ensure to have an adequate cyber insurance policy.

Why is Cyber Insurance Important?

A Cyber Insurance policy ensures that you remain secure in the aftermath of any cyber attack. Cyber insurance is important as it protects the online presence of every individual who has the policy.

The Importance of Cyber Insurance for Women in 2023

If you are looking for optimum protection in cyberspace, consider choosing Bajaj Allianz Individual Cyber Safe Policy. A plan designed for your security against any cyber threats or risks. The cyber insurance coverage helps you to remain secure for 10 major cyber attacks. A cyber insurance policy will not leave you in financial trouble if you become the victim of any of the covered cybercrime.

Here is a quick rundown to understanding the importance of cyber insurance in 2022:

  1. Social Media: Today, we have become socially more active. We update pictures, and posts or are tagged in a post by family/friends. The cyber-stalkers use this information shared on social media. Using such digital communication frightens and leads to harassment. With a cyber insurance policy, you will be covered against cyberstalking.
  2. Fake Photos: Cyber miscreants also go to the extent of using Photoshop skills to create fake photos. These compromising photos are then used to threaten and demand either extortion or sexual favors. An individual is threatened with an account for making any fake pictures available in the public domain. With the Bajaj Allianz Cyber Safe Policy, you can remain secure against any such cybercrime.
  3. Unauthorized Access: Next, one can also be harassed by identity theft by a cyber-criminal. Here, the user creates a fake profile on social media and avails unauthorized access to personal data, any data stored on a digital device, etc. Anything like this can be troublesome for you as well as for people related to you. With the right cyber insurance cover, you can also remain shielded against any such activity.

*Standard T&C apply

Cyber Safety Tips in 2023

It’s important to remain mindful of the dangers. The following are some important tips that help to remain cyber safe in 2023:

  1. Do Not Share Passwords: Never, ever share your password with any of your closest friends or family members. They may not intentionally cause any harm yet might accidentally reveal the password to a third person. Let us not underestimate the fact that sometimes a relationship changes much before the password does. Keep your passwords complicated and private. Change your password every 06 months. Use two-factor authentication as it strengthens the security of an online account
  2. Do Not Leave Webcam Connected: Various apps can turn on the camera and slyly record the movement without any knowledge. Hence, as a precautionary step disable the camera permission. Also, keep the camera lens closed or cover it when not used.
  3. Share Limited Information: You might be having a good wrap today but not sure of what would happen tomorrow. So, act responsibly when sharing pictures, videos, or any private information that has the potential to work against and put you under any threat. Also, if you are meeting an online acquaintance the first time let your friends or family know. Ensure that you meet the acquaintance in a public place like a mall or coffee shop.
  4. Update all the Operating Systems: Ensure that your digital devices are updated. The security patches and updates help in keeping away from the latest threats. Even if you have the busiest schedule, install verified applications only.
  5. Reading the Fine Print: Before you click on Submit tab understand all the terms and conditions associated with it. Some websites sell, own, or resell your information the way they want with anyone. This can put you in bigger trouble and can also land you in legal trouble as you agreed on the terms and conditions earlier.
  6. Block the Account: In case you find anything suspicious about the account, report and take corrective measures. Decline friend requests where you barely know the person. Sometimes it is okay to ignore, unfriend, or block people with who you do not wish to interact. This is entirely your call of choosing people who stay on your list.

The Bottom Line

Cyber security is one of the top challenges that remains prevalent not only for individuals but corporates as well. We are more connected than ever before. Stay vigilant, be smart, and be careful.

Ensure your safety when online and contribute to making a difference.

Remember #YouAreSpecial

Connect with Care!

Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.
