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Why Travel Insurance is Essential for International Trips?

Why Travel Insurance is Essential for International Trips?

With the tourism industry witnessing a boom due to more people opting for international travel, there is some positive news, and also some not positive news surrounding it. What is good is that most of the travellers are first-time travellers looking to explore new destinations instead of the popular ones. The not-so-great aspect is that most of these travellers do not consider purchasing international travel insurance for their first trip abroad.

It is absolutely important to understand how a travel policy benefits and makes your trip eventful.

Why you should the policy?

The following
travel insurance coverage makes the policy a must-buy:

  1. Adventure sports cover

There are many countries with diverse terrain, offer the opportunity to engage in various adventure sports, such as trekking, skiing, bungee jumping, and many more. However, these activities come with their own set of risks. The adventure sports cover add-on provides coverage for any injuries sustained while participating in adventure sports. The
travel medical insurance coverage pays for the treatment of injuries you may sustain during any adventure sport you may participate in. *

  1. Personal liability cover

It is an add-on offering coverage in case of any legal liabilities arising due to your actions during the trip. For example, if you accidentally damage someone’s property or cause injury to a third party, the personal liability coverage can come to your rescue. This add-on is particularly useful for individuals traveling to a new place where they may not be familiar with the local laws and regulations. *

  1. Home burglary cover

It is an add-on providing coverage for any losses incurred due to theft or burglary at your home while you are away on your trip. This add-on can be extremely useful if you are leaving behind your home unattended for an extended period. *

  1. Flight delay/cancellation cover

Flight delays and cancellations are not uncommon and can cause a significant amount of inconvenience and financial loss to you. The flight delay/cancellation cover add-on provides coverage for any expenses incurred due to the delay or cancellation of the flight. This can include expenses such as hotel accommodation, transportation, meals, and more. *

  1. Missed connection cover

Missed connections can be a nightmare, particularly if you are traveling to a new place and do not have any local contacts. The missed connection cover add-on provides coverage for any expenses incurred due to a missed connecting flight. This can include expenses such as rebooking flights, accommodation, and more. *

How to choose the correct policy?

These tips can help you select the correct
travel insurance for your trip:

  1. Check your required coverage

The first step in selecting a suitable policy is to determine your coverage needs. Consider the type of trip you will be taking, the length of your stay, and any activities you plan to participate in. For example, if you plan to engage in extreme sports, you will need a policy covering these activities. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, you will need a policy covering medical expenses related to that condition.

  1. See what other insurer offers

Always be sure to compare policies. Look for policies offering the coverage you need at a reasonable price. Don’t just focus on the cost; also consider the reputation of the insurance provider and the level of customer service they offer. Read reviews from other travelers to get an idea of how well the insurance provider has handled claims in the past.

  1. Keep an eye on the policy limits

Be sure to check the policy limits of any policy you are considering. Policy limits are the maximum amount the insurance provider will pay out for a particular type of claim. For example, if the policy limit for medical expenses is Rs.2 Lakhs, and you need Rs.5 Lakhs worth of medical care, you will be responsible for paying the difference. Make sure the policy limits are sufficient for your needs.

  1. Pay attention to the exclusions

All travel insurance policies have exclusions, which are events or circumstances not covered by the policy. Make sure you understand the exclusions of any policy you are considering. For example, most policies do not cover pre-existing medical conditions, so if you have a pre-existing condition, you will need to find a policy specifically covering it.

  1. Calculate the deductible

The deductible is the amount you will be responsible for paying before the insurance provider begins covering costs. Policies with lower deductibles generally have higher premiums, while policies with higher deductibles have lower premiums. Consider how much you are willing to pay out of pocket before selecting a policy.

  1. Try to get additional benefits

There is additional
travel insurance coverage, such as 24-hour emergency assistance, coverage for lost or stolen items, and trip cancellation coverage, that you might benefit from. Consider whether these additional benefits are important to you and factor them into your decision-making process.

  1. Read the policy document

Before purchasing the policy, be sure to read the fine print carefully. Make sure you understand the terms and conditions of the policy, including any exclusions, deductibles, and limitations. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the insurance provider for clarification.


To have a peace of mind for enjoying your trip should be your priority when planning for one. Getting
travel insurance before your trip may ensure you get to experience that peace of mind and create new memories on your trip.

* Standard T&C apply

Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.
